Leo Gubbins Leo Gubbins

Off-grid Sauna

I build an authentic Finnish Wood Burning Sauna by the water and have it last the test of time. I designed this sauna to have minimal impact on the natural environment and blend into nature. Full build series on youtube with the plans I used available for download.

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Leo Gubbins Leo Gubbins

Permanent Tent

Call it glamping, call it what you want; we call it our home on weekends 3 seasons of the year without having to set up a standard tent every weekend.

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Leo Gubbins Leo Gubbins

Tiny A-Frame

We’ve always been drawn to the A-frame shape and figured a composting “outhouse” is the perfect fit for this structure shape. Because you are often seated in the building it really lends well to a steep roof shape in a tiny A-Frame structure.

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Leo Gubbins Leo Gubbins

Buying Land

Purchasing vacant land can be daunting but incredibly rewarding. Vacant land is like a blank slate that allows for a lot of creativity in how we will use the space but we also need to keep the existing nature and topography in mind when we plan out or use for this property.

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Leo Gubbins Leo Gubbins

Woodburning Hot Tub

I’ve always been drawn to Wood Burning Hot tubs. This Goodland tub fit the bill perfectly. We set it up uniquely with a hidden lake pump filling it from the bottom automatically. This solution has eliminated any of the challenges off an off grid hot tub with lake water source.

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Leo Gubbins Leo Gubbins

Outdoor Kitchen

Building a simple outdoor kitchenette with minimal cost and effort. Installing outdoor-rated stainless steel countertops from Ikea, one with a sink. This simple project makes outdoor cooking and cleaning more enjoyable and can be done with basic tools, providing a great addition to any camping setup.

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Leo Gubbins Leo Gubbins

Backyard Bench

This bench is designed to be easily disassembled and moved, and the process is beginner-friendly. It is made of concrete cinder blocks, wood and glue. There are no tools required for this build and any cut can be made at your local building supply where you buy the wood.

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